Two ingredients are all you need to make the homemade dough for these pigs in a blanket that will be the hit of your next party. I like to serve with mustard...
Allrecipes has made me an Impossible™ Burger fan. The fam too! These roll-ups are a tasty treat for game day or movie night. Start with a 1/2 package...
I created this recipe to use leftovers from Thanksgiving for a day-after brunch. It combines the best of the holiday flavors - smoked ham, cranberries,...
Creamy corn empanadas are an Argentinean classic. These can be made open like a tart or closed like a pasty - the choice is yours! You can opt to make...
Ideal for parties, using small shells. If you wish to use as a main course use larger cases. Mixture will freeze well and is very tasty poured over microwave...
This is a very easy-to-make dish. It's a lovely flavored curry which is accompanied by cilantro yogurt. If you're pressed for time, you can make the filling...
These little appetizer cups are a great timesaver when planning a dinner party or casual gathering. The creamy goat cheese and spinach are a great compliment...
These beautiful cheese puffs, gougeres, are as easy as they are delicious. Usually Gruyere cheese is used but I had some very sharp farmhouse Cheddar cheese...
These beautiful cheese puffs, gougeres, are as easy as they are delicious. Usually Gruyere cheese is used but I had some very sharp farmhouse Cheddar cheese...
Flaky/crispy dough filled with savory sun-dried tomato filling, and topped with grated Parmesan cheese. Perfect appetizer for a fancy get together. No...
The only tricky part of this recipe is working with phyllo, and once you get the hang of it, it's fun. Sometimes you get a bad batch of phyllo that rips...
These spicy ham and cheese squares are a great appetizer for your next party. Ham, pepperoni, salami, Swiss cheese, and provolone cheese are sandwiched...
A popular Jamaican appetizer. Just stamp them out in the kitchen, take some for the road and go! Saltcod can be prepared the day before for a quicker cook...
This kolache recipe is one I cobbled together to make what I think is the perfect sausage kolache. I grew up in Central Texas, where sausage kolaches (also...
As long as you're pretty good at making rectangles, and trimming things to the right length, this recipe is a breeze. By the way, I'll give the specific...
As long as you're pretty good at making rectangles, and trimming things to the right length, this recipe is a breeze. By the way, I'll give the specific...
As long as you're pretty good at making rectangles, and trimming things to the right length, this recipe is a breeze. By the way, I'll give the specific...
Seemingly intimidating to make, these samosas actually couldn't be easier! Fresh, homemade, and just as good (if not better!) as they serve at your favorite...
Easy to make, but fancy enough for a special occasion. A mild and tasty blend of chicken, spinach, prosciutto and Brie cheese. Excellent drizzled with...
These Hawaiian-inspired puffs are stuffed with a curry chicken mixture. They're always a hit at potlucks and parties, and I'm constantly being asked for...
Easy to make, but fancy enough for a special occasion. A mild and tasty blend of chicken, spinach, prosciutto and Brie cheese. Excellent drizzled with...
Ideal for parties, using small shells. If you wish to use as a main course use larger cases. Mixture will freeze well and is very tasty poured over microwave...
With three main ingredients you can make this gorgeous giant puff pastry pinwheel in no time. Pesto and ricotta fill layers of puff pastry that are cut...
As long as you're pretty good at making rectangles, and trimming things to the right length, this recipe is a breeze. By the way, I'll give the specific...
My roommate used to call Brussels sprouts 'Little Horribles' -- well, not any more! An elegant looking pastry roll that's great as an appetizer, or as...
Easy to make, but fancy enough for a special occasion. A mild and tasty blend of chicken, spinach, prosciutto and Brie cheese. Excellent drizzled with...
Easy to make, but fancy enough for a special occasion. A mild and tasty blend of chicken, spinach, prosciutto and Brie cheese. Excellent drizzled with...
Easy to make, but fancy enough for a special occasion. A mild and tasty blend of chicken, spinach, prosciutto and Brie cheese. Excellent drizzled with...
As long as you're pretty good at making rectangles, and trimming things to the right length, this recipe is a breeze. By the way, I'll give the specific...
This is so simple. Reminds me of a Margherita Pizza. Very flavorful. I also think the sauce would also taste great on a panini sandwich, though I've never...
Here's a homemade recipe that I've grown up loving in the comfort of my home: baked curry triangles. My mom would bake these delicious goods for the family,...